WHAT SHAPES an individual’s success is much beyond books, curricullum and coveted degrees.


THE REAL learning comes from life experiences of varied nature. Connecting together such phenomena opens up our minds with holistic thinking and integrated reasoning abilities to draw innovative interpretations. This enables one to develop his unique ideas, strategies and performing styles to emerge as a trendsetter.


WE LIST below a collection of meaningful thoughts. These quotes and questions collectively throw huge opportunities for everyone to think beyond the formal academic world in their quest for achieving excellence.



  • EVEN HIGHLY educated individuals can learn a lot from the illiterate! Sounds absurd, but true!
  • LEARNING NEW languages, exploring evolving technologies, finding new answers and understanding multiple cultures are the hallmarks of high achievers.
  • WISDOM IS neither knowledge nor education – it is an inner transformational enlightenment from diverse experiences.
  • TO BE a visionary, one needs to see not with his eyes but through the heart.
  • REAL EDUCATION is what we experience in the process of work and not what we learn in books.
  • WHAT DRIVES innovation is intellect and not intelligence.
  • PROGRESSIVE THINKERS are always dynamic and young at heart with little worries about failure possibilities.
  • ONE CAN’T become a great dancer by going to a dancing school. Passion is what matters the most.
  • PRACTISING PROFESSIONALS can be far better teachers than highly qualified professors.
  • THE REAL human resource managers are entrenpreneurs who create wealth and opportunities through strategic utilization of manpower.
  • THE THRILL of spearheading a startup is very much like raising a child.
  • MASTERING THE art of not losing calm, composure or restraint is a key attribute of progressing ahead in life.
  • SHOULD A younger workforce be preferred over experienced employees?
  • WISDOM IS neither knowledge nor education – it is an inner transformational enlightenment from diverse experiences.

    WHY & WHAT

  • WHY ACADEMIC Brilliance Need Not Always Translate Into Professional Excellence?
  • CAN ORDINARY Students Deliver Extra-ordinary Results?
  • WHAT ARE The Secrets of Top Professional Performers?
  • ARE ACADEMIC Toppers Followers Or Trend Setters?
  • ARE BOOKS The Best Source Of Learning?
  • IS EDUCATION A Boring Exercise Or A Lively Game?
  • DO PHILOSOPHY & Literature Give Us Scientific Thinking?
  • WHY DO we have so few nobel laureates among Indians in the field of science?
  • WHY DO IITs rank so poorly in the list of top scientific institutions of the world?
  • WHY EXCEPT IT, there is hardly any field where Indian technology dominates the world?
  • WHY ARE so many iconic figures college dropouts?
  • SHOULD A company recruit academic toppers or college dropouts?
  • WHY CAN’T a business manager be a business leader?
  • SHOULD A younger workforce be preferred over experienced employees?
  • SHOULD WORKSHOPS, seminars, discussions be encouraged in an organization?